How much does billboard advertising cost in Canada?

How much does billboard advertising cost in Canada?

Billboard advertising is a powerful tool for reaching a large audience and making a significant visual impact. In Canada, the cost of billboard advertising can vary widely based on several factors including location, type of billboard, and the duration of the advertisement. Here’s a comprehensive overview to help you understand the expenses involved.

Factors Affecting Billboard Advertising Costs

  1. Location
    The location of the billboard is the most significant factor affecting cost. High-traffic urban areas, especially in cities like Toronto, Vancouver, and Montreal, command higher prices compared to rural or less populated areas.
  2. Billboard Size
    Larger billboards are more expensive due to their increased visibility and impact. Common sizes include:
  • 10’x20′: Smaller billboards suitable for local roads and secondary locations.
  • 14’x48′: Standard large billboards commonly seen along highways and in busy urban areas.
  1. Type of Billboard
  • Static Billboards: Traditional billboards with printed graphics. They are less expensive than digital billboards but lack the ability to rotate multiple ads.
  • Digital Billboards: Use LED screens to display dynamic content that can be changed remotely. They are more expensive but offer greater flexibility and the ability to display multiple ads in rotation.
  1. Duration of Advertisement
    The length of time your ad is displayed will affect the total cost. Short-term leases (e.g., one month) are more expensive per month than long-term leases (e.g., one year), which may offer discounts.

Average Costs

  1. Static Billboards
  • Urban Areas: In major cities, static billboard costs can range from CAD 3,000 to CAD 10,000 per month depending on location and size.
  • Suburban/Rural Areas: Costs are lower, typically ranging from CAD 1,000 to CAD 3,000 per month.
  1. Digital Billboards
  • Urban Areas: Digital billboard costs in high-traffic locations can range from CAD 10,000 to CAD 30,000 per month.
  • Suburban/Rural Areas: Prices can range from CAD 5,000 to CAD 15,000 per month.
  1. Specialized Locations
  • Transit Shelters and Bus Stops: Advertising in transit areas can range from CAD 500 to CAD 2,000 per month.
  • Mall and Airport Billboards: These high-footfall areas can command prices from CAD 5,000 to CAD 20,000 per month.

Example Pricing

  • Toronto
  • Static Billboards: CAD 5,000 – CAD 15,000 per month.
  • Digital Billboards: CAD 15,000 – CAD 40,000 per month.
  • Vancouver
  • Static Billboards: CAD 3,000 – CAD 12,000 per month.
  • Digital Billboards: CAD 10,000 – CAD 35,000 per month.
  • Montreal
  • Static Billboards: CAD 3,000 – CAD 10,000 per month.
  • Digital Billboards: CAD 10,000 – CAD 30,000 per month.

Additional Costs

  1. Design and Production
    Creating the advertisement itself can incur additional costs. For static billboards, design and printing might cost between CAD 500 to CAD 3,000. For digital billboards, design costs are typically lower, but professional design services can range from CAD 500 to CAD 2,000.
  2. Installation and Maintenance
    Depending on the agreement with the billboard company, there may be additional fees for installation and maintenance, particularly for static billboards.
  3. Permits and Regulatory Fees
    Depending on the location, there may be fees for permits and compliance with local advertising regulations.


Billboard advertising in Canada offers a range of options to suit different budgets and marketing strategies. While costs can be high, especially in prime locations, the visibility and reach of billboard advertising can provide a significant return on investment. By understanding the various factors that influence costs and carefully planning your campaign, you can effectively leverage billboard advertising to boost your brand’s presence and engagement.

Including prices in your blog post is beneficial as it provides readers with concrete information to help them make informed decisions. However, ensure that the prices are presented as ranges to reflect the potential variability and include a note that actual costs can vary based on specific circumstances.